Kindergarten , Play school , Pre School
⇒ Family history
⇒ Late and/or unclear speech
⇒ Inability to remember the label for known objects e.g. colours
⇒ Confused directional words, e.g. 'up/down' or ‘in/out’
⇒ Enhanced creativity - often good at drawing
⇒ Finding it difficult to remember nursery rhymes.
⇒ Difficulty in hearing and pronouncing sounds.
⇒ Problems with learning the connections between sounds and letters
⇒ Trouble remembering words they have seen many times
⇒ Unable to remember two or more instructions in sequence.
⇒ Uncertain of left or right.
⇒ Aptitude for constructional or technical toys, e.g. bricks, puzzles, Lego blocks
⇒ Difficulty with rhyming words, e.g. 'cat mat fat'
⇒ Difficulty with sequencing
Children under 10
⇒ Particular difficulty with reading and/or spelling and writing
⇒ Persistent and continued reversing of numbers and letters (e.g.'15' for '51', 'b' for 'd')
⇒ Difficulty telling left from right
⇒ Difficulty learning the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, colors, shapes etc.
⇒ Difficulty learning to spell and write his or her name
⇒ May have difficulty telling and/or retelling a story in the correct sequence
⇒ Often has difficulty separating sounds in words and blending sounds to make words
⇒ May be slow to add new vocabulary words
⇒ May be unable to recall the right word
⇒ Difficulty learning the alphabet and multiplication tables
⇒ Difficulty remembering sequences such as the days of the week and months of the year
⇒ Poor concentration
⇒ Signs of frustration
Children falling in the age bracket of 9-13 years of age.
⇒ Continued mistakes in reading and poor comprehension of text
⇒ Bizarre spelling, perhaps with letters missed out or in the wrong order
⇒ Taking an above average time over written work
⇒ Poor organisation at home and at school
⇒ Difficulty copying accurately from blackboard or textbook
⇒ Difficulty taking down oral instructions
⇒ Growing lack of self-confidence and increasing frustration
⇒ May appear bright, but fails to fulfil potential
⇒ Difficulty repeating polysyllabic words
High School Children from 13 years of age to 18 years of age
⇒ Tendency to read inaccurately, or without comprehension
⇒ Inconsistent spelling
⇒ Difficulty with planning and written essays
⇒ Tendency to confuse verbal instructions and telephone numbers
⇒ Difficulty with learning a foreign language
⇒ Low self-esteem
⇒ Difficulty with perception of language, e.g. following instructions, listening comprehension